
Bl3 quasar
Bl3 quasar


Great to have on Zane’s Drone as it will do the grenade throw for you if you spec into ‘Drone Delivery’.


This anointment only spawns on grenade mods and is easy to trigger.On Grenade Thrown, Weapon, Grenade, and Action Skill Damage are increased by 25% for 6 seconds.Increased weapon damage is always a good thing to have.On Action Skill End, Weapon Damage is increased by 100% for a short time.This is a good anoint but make sure your weapon actually deals splash damage.On Action Skill End, Splash Damage is increased by 125% for a short time.Caution: Reloading your weapon before it’s empty counts as a Mag, so really empty your clip.If you have an action skill with a short cooldown, you can easily spam this anointment.On Action Skill End, The next 2 magazines will have a 100% additional bonus Elemental damage.This one needs a build around it – like using the Front Loader Shield or Deathless Artifact – but then you have a constant 150% damage bonus.While under 50% health, deal 150% bonus radiation damage.Weapons with a high base damage on their card have the potential to one-shot enemies with this anoint. While Gearbox fixed this anoint it’s still a great one to use (Previously it only counted the Red Health bar and therefore ripped through additional Shields and Armor).Gain 150% increased Weapon Damage against enemies above 90% Health.Any damage source counts towards this anoint – grenade, action skill, pet – that way you can keep benefitting from the stacks you build up after reloading your weapon. Great anointment if you keep dealing damage against your enemies as it goes up to +250% damage.Consecutive Hits increase Weapon Damage by 1% per hit, misses remove all bonuses.


These are the weapon anoints that work well on any character, however, the game designers at Gearbox Software want to incentify a specific playstyle therefore, Vault Hunter-specific anoints are really strong.

bl3 quasar

Top 8 Best Borderlands 3 Anointments on ANY Character So start farming for these anointments on your favorite legendary items. Because the Borderlands 3 end game revolves around these weapon boosts, you want to have the best anoints on your gear. You can trigger them by activating your action skill for example.

bl3 quasar bl3 quasar

These are additional buffs that can roll on your items. Gearbox Software added anoints to Borderlands 3. Top 8 Best Borderlands 3 Anointments on ANY Character.

Bl3 quasar